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CareSpace | Patient Portal | Los Angeles Cancer Network
CareSpace | Patient Portal | Los Angeles Cancer Network

CareSpace is an online healthcare portal that makes it easier for you to access your information and communicate with your care team. It is completely secure, and in the portal, you can:

  • Access, download, and send your health information
  • 24/7 access to your medical information through your personal computer, tablet, or mobile device. This includes medical records, lab results, appointment times, test results, and more 
  • You can securely download and send your health information to other necessary providers. 
  • Communicate with your care team
  • Save time and communicate with your care team though the portal. They are available for you during business hours. 9am-5pm. Any questions sent after hours will be promptly answered on the following morning
  • Keep your loved ones informed
  • You can invite your friends and family to your CareSpace account, and they can stay informed on your treatment plan and progress. 

Set up your account:

  1. Check your email for registration link from CareSpace and Los Angeles Cancer Network.
  2. If your link is expired, or you never received one, call your local clinic or use our chat feature to contact someone on our team and we can send you a new link.
  3. Create a password for your CareSpace account.
  4. Log in using your email, password, and date of birth.
  5. You can log into your portal at any time using www.carespaceportal.com
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